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Change (from) banknote: King Charles will not appear on the 5 Australian dollar bill | Israel today


A symbolic blow to the British Commonwealth of Nations • The Australian central bank announced: instead of Queen Elizabeth, the new banknote will receive a native design • The decision was made by Prime Minister Albanizi, who supports the transformation of Australia into a republic

The queen is dead, long live the king?

Not when it comes to Australian money: In a dramatic decision, the Australian Central Bank announced that King Charles III will not exchange his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth, for a local $5 bill.

Instead of the king, who is the symbolic sovereign of Australia and 13 other countries in the British Commonwealth, the new note will have a design "that cherishes the culture and history of the first Australians".

According to the bank's announcement, the government supported the move.

Australian Prime Minister Albanizi next to the portrait of King Charles, photo: AFP

The decision to favor the natives over the king has already caused an uproar on the continent, as it concerns Australia's very membership in the Commonwealth of Nations, certainly when the local government is headed by Anthony Albanese, who supports turning the country into a republic.

The leader of the opposition, Peter Dutton, said that Albanese played a central role in removing Charles from the bill and should accept responsibility for it.

"I think this is another attack on our systems, on our society and on our institutions," Dutton said.

The Australian Monarchist League accused Albanese of undermining Australian democracy.

"In fact, this is neo-communism in action," said the league's chairman, Philip Benwell.

Australian banknotes.

Small money, big symbolism, photo: E.P

On the other hand, the chairman of the Australian Republican Movement, Craig Foster, claimed that "Australians should only see themselves on the bills." "There is no longer any justification for a king we did not elect to be on our money, instead of First Nations leaders and other great Australians," he reasoned. A 50 Australian dollar bill features David Onaiphon - a musician, preacher and creator from the Ngarrindjeri nation.

In 1999, a referendum was held in Australia regarding the country's future in the British Commonwealth, and the majority of citizens voted to remain.

However, the winds blowing in Australia have changed, and in 2021 the words "a young and free nation", associated with the end of direct government from London, were removed from the anthem, in favor of recognizing the 65 thousand year old indigenous nations.

The change in the anthem was actually led by the previous prime minister, the conservative Scott Morrison.

A poll conducted last October found that 43% of Australians prefer a banknote with an Australian appearing, compared to 34% who chose the king.

By the end of the year, Australians are expected to vote in a referendum on a change in the constitution, which will recognize the indigenous nations.

Whereas the design and issuance of the new banknote will take a few more years.

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Source: israelhayom

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